A person sitting on top of a large rock.


Hypnotherapy is Meditation with a Mission

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a powerful healing method, which has been effectively used by Therapists for centuries to treat negative symptoms by communicating with the subconscious. Our subconscious mind determines more than 95% of our thoughts, our ways of being, our ways of relating and our limitations.  Our subconscious mind is the automated operating system of You.

It operates all of your bodily functions, your heart beat, your nervous system and your digestion, and it determines everything that we think, say and do.  All of this is based on the information that you have internally stored via your past experiences, beliefs and conditioning.  It is the CEO of our Mind.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”  C.G. Jung

In a Hypnosis Session the Therapist will induce you into a deep state of relaxation. Through a series of techniques, your conscious (critical) mind will then be free to drift off, allowing your subconscious mind to awaken and to become open to positive suggestion and to permanent change.

An iceberg floating in the ocean with a sky background.

Conscious Mind 5%

  • Critical thinking
  • Logical Thinking
  • Short Term Memory
  • Willpower
The conscious mind tries to use willpower to control behaviours, habits & beliefs, but loses out to the subconscious mind’s greater influence.

Subconscious Mind 95%

  • Beliefs
  • Creativity
  • Becomes formed age 0-7
  • Emotions & Feelings
  • Habits & Addictions
  • Imagination
  • Intuition
  • Long Term Memory
  • Protective Reactions
  • Values

Are you ready to write your next chapter?

Hypnotherapy can deal with a far ranging list of issues including:

  • Addictions
  • Anger
  • Compulsive Behaviour
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Personal Relationships
  • Exam Success
  • Fears & Phobias
  • Procrastination
  • Health Issues
  • Sports Performance
  • Public Speaking
  • Money Blocks
A woman sitting on a chair in front of a window.

Facts about Hypnosis

Hypnosis is very powerful and it helps you to achieve your true potential

Hypnosis helps you to tap into your inherent power. When you are in a relaxed state, transformation is extremely effective. Once we can identify the source of your negative beliefs, we can effectively change these. It facilitates increased self awareness and it offers a vastly improved way of living life.

Hypnosis is not sleep

Hypnosis is a highly focused, yet extremely relaxed state of awareness. You’ll be completely conscious and alert throughout the Session, however we will be able to access the subconscious part of your mind, which is highly receptive to positive suggestion.

Hypnosis can work for any issue

Hypnosis can help you to change habits, reduce pain, increase motivation, recover from physical and mental illness, eliminate fears and remove anxiety and stress.  Its applications are endless. Once we change our thoughts and beliefs, the transformation is phenomenal.

Hypnosis works really fast

Just as your mind can quickly acquire a negative belief, your mind can also learn a new response to an old stimulus very quickly. The brain is lightning fast and it is receptive to change due to its neuroplasticity.

Almost anyone can be hypnotised

You cannot be hypnotized against your will because hypnosis is a consensual state.  However, anyone who is willing to follow instructions and who is wanting to make changes is a good candidate for this type of Therapy. It works best when you are really committed to change.  If a person is comfortable with the process and knows what to expect, it is surprisingly easy.

Hypnosis is a normal and natural state of mind

Everyone has the potential to be hypnotised because it’s a natural, normal state that each of us experiences at least twice a day – upon waking and falling asleep. You are in a light state of hypnosis anytime that you lose track of time or when you find your mind lost in thought.  It’s a form of daydreaming.

How it feels to be hypnotised

Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state of mind.  Some clients feel a light sensation as if they are floating; some feel grounded and secure; others feel a light buzzing; most feel incredibly focused. The experience is different for everyone, but it is a completely safe process.

You are always in control

Hypnosis is a very light, yet extremely effective state of awareness that can be used for the client to understand the source of their issues. At no point do you lose control. You will remain conscious at all times and you do not surrender your will. Hypnotherapy facilitates and shines the light on these areas of concern and you will be guided to make profound breakthroughs.

Hypnosis works beneath the level of conscious thinking

As Hypnosis speaks directly to your subconscious mind, it is able to by-pass your conscious, critical thoughts. Your mind is free to become aware of thoughts and patterns that you didn’t realise existed. Powerful breakthroughs and insights can be achieved in one single session as this heightened concentration increases your receptivity to suggestions.

Hypnosis works even when other therapies fail

Hypnosis is an outstanding therapy tool, as it deals directly with your subconscious and your belief system. It taps into the power of the subconscious mind where your memories and emotions are stored. Results are quick, profound and long lasting.

Receiving a hypnosis session remotely is highly effective

Hypnotherapy is just as effective when conducted on a Virtual Chat. The Subconscious mind is not selective about its environment, nor the conduit through which it is accessed.  In fact, most clients prefer the comfort, privacy and ease of having a Session conducted remotely.

You will remember everything that is said

Your mind will remember everything that is relevant to remember during your Session – small trivial comments could be forgotten. You will  be fully aware of who you are, where you are and remember what happened during a Hypnosis Session.

Are you ready for change? Do you want to know more? Book a Discovery Call and Invest in yourself. Together we can work this out.